Recruitment: The Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) is looking for a new CAP Young Planners Coordinator

Commonwealth Association of Planners, YP

Commonwealth Association of Planners, YP


Is this the role for you?

C APs members are national planning associations from 28 Commonwealth countries. Through our member associations we represent over 40,000 planners across the globe. Our mission is to meet the challenges of urbanisation and the sustainable development of human settlements. Over 60% of the Commonwealth’s 2.4 billion population is aged under 30 – youth issues are critical!

We are looking for enthusiastic leader who can network and ensure that the goals of the CAP and the CAP Young Planners’ Network can be achieved across the Commonwealth.

The purpose of the CAP Young Planners’ Network is to connect and mobilise planning students and young planners across the Commonwealth to help address the needs of young planners and youth more generally, and to contribute a youth perspective to the work of CAP.

The role of the Co-ordinator is to maintain a virtual community using Facebook, twitter and other web based connections to exchange practice, better understand each other’s planning challenges, and to connect young planners directly into CAP’s work and into the Commonwealth. Further information about CAPs young planners can be found on the CAP web site:

The post is not remunerated although CAP will pay out of pocket expenses if approved in advance. Young planners are defined as students and those with less than 10 years post qualification experience.

The existing CAP Young Planners Coordinator is Viral Desai who built up the Young Planners’ Network from scratch and has been excellent in this role. However, after 6 years in post Viral is stepping down to make way for someone else to take on this crucial role and take the network forward.

Role Description

The Young Planners Coordinator will ideally be expected to :

  • Network across a range of international, national and local stakeholders
  • Encourage new ideas about how to meet the needs of Young Planners in the Commonwealth and help address the needs of young people more generally
  • Identify ways to expand the Young Planners’ Network
  • Seek ways to improve CAPs social media network as a means to better communicate with young planners and others
  • Be an advocate for young planners and youth in the Commonwealth
  • Work collaboratively with young people from other built environment professionals
  • Review the themes / objectives of the CAP Young Planners’ Network
  • Promote events and webinars focussed on young planners and youth issues.
  • Participate in CAP Executive Committee teleconference meetings (these are held every two months alternately at 10.00 and 22.00 hours UK time and normally last for 1.0 -1.5 hours max)
  • Subject to budgetary review, attend the next CAP Business Meeting, which is to be held in Malaysia 23-26 November 2020

  • Application Requirements

    Applicants must be a young planner (see definition in Background above) and a member (full member, licentiate member or student member) of a national planning association that is also a member of CAP.
    The following information should be submitted by email in a single document:

  • Network across a range of international, national and local stakeholders
  • Encourage new ideas about how to meet the needs of Young Planners in the Commonwealth and help address the needs of young people more generally
  • Name and contact details (address, email and telephone)
  • Name of national planning association you are a full member or student member of.
  • A CV of two sides A4 maximum. The CV should include details of any Commonwealth related activities undertaken.
  • Contact details (e mail address and telephone number) of one referee who supports your application. Your referee should be a full member of a CAP member association and have agreed to be contacted by CAP (referees will be contacted for applicants who are shortlisted).
  • A statement of 500 words maximum stating why you are suitable for the role and how you would address the requirements

  • All applications should be submitted to Annette O’Donnell (CAPs Administrator) on
    The deadline for applications is 24.00 (UK time) Sunday 1 March 2020.
    Applicants should be available for telephone interview during week commencing 9 March 2020.


    Please contact Annette O’Donnell by email If you have any questions about the role.

    We look forward to receiving your application.

    Clive Harridge
    February, 2020