From the Desk of the National President Nigerian Institute of Town Planners

NITP President

My dear Professional Colleagues,

The world is facing an unprecedented challenge; a serious health, economic and social challenge. Everyone is affected one way or the other. Crocro in local term has grounded global life and economy as never before. Infact, it is an existential challenge.

Yes, challenges are unpredictable hence unavoidable. But the good news is every challenge is overcome-able, challenges also offer opportunities. Please let's see this current challenge as a tide in our affairs which 'captured at a glance leads on to fortune'.The sad news may be good news after all. My Colleagues, as professionals, this is not the time to panic, spread unverified/fake news nor embark on hate speech. This is an opportunity to rededicate ourselves to serving humanity, a moment to support Government at all levels by making useful contributions towards promoting public health and safety in our settlements which is one of the core values of Town Planning. How do we get Town Planning to remain relevant in the area of public health safety concerns?. In what way can Physical Planning contribute to control of infectious diseases?

It is pertinent to note that the Coronavirus pandemic has challenged the way our settlements are organised - Compact cities vs social distancing, social distancing within slums and crowded public places, working from home and the need to build resilience. President Mohammed Buhari has constituted an Inter-ministerial Committee to come up with a harmonized position on how to deal with the impact of this pandemic on our economy; how do we fit in as Town Planners? It's time to come up with ideas, proposals and plans that will respond to the emerging realities of post COVID-19.

Meanwhile, I encourage you all to remain law abiding and observe all public health advisory issued by the Ministry of Health and the NCDC:

  • frequent washing of hands with soap,
  • applying alcohol based sanitizer, - not touching our face unless after washing of hands,
  • maintaining physical distancing,
  • boosting immune system etc.

  • My dear Professional Colleagues, Stay Safe, Stay Home and Play Safe. Ensure that by November/December, not only will nobody be missing but we will have more Town Planners to put on the job.


    Tpl. Lekwa Ezutah FNITP
    National President