2022 National Conference Call For Papers

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1.0 Introduction
The Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) holds an annual National Conference for the presentation of academic and research papers by members and allied professionals, to enhance information-sharing on contemporary issues in the theory and practice of urban and regional planning. This has been an avenue for analyzing challenges of the environment and current best practices for resolving them to meet the convenience, aesthetics, health, safety, time, cost and sustainability needs.

Previous years had attracted the participation of interested persons from other countries which indeed makes it an international conference. This year, the theme of consideration is “Physical Planning and Urban Security in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects”. It provides a premier platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the lingering and complex security problems in Nigeria and most recent innovations, trends, issues, challenges, prospects and solutions adopted in physical planning to address them.

2.0 Dates and Venue of the Conference
The Conference is proposed to commence on Monday 7th November through Friday 11th November 2022 in Abuja, Federal Capital City of Nigeria.

3.0 Theme: “Physical Planning and Urban Security in Nigeria: Issues, Challenges and Prospects”.

3.1 Sub-themes

  • Urban Form and Crime
  • Urban Design and Crime Prevention
  • Application of Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS in Urban Security
  • Security and Livelihoods
  • Slum Development and Crime
  • Smart City Concept and Crime Prevention
  • Urban Poverty and Crime
  • Gender and Crime
  • Urban Violence and the Child

4.0 Abstract Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are required to submit quality abstract that are suitable for oral or e-poster presentations. In the preparation of the abstracts, authors are to follow the guidelines, which include an introductory statement that outlines the background and significance of the study; a succinct description of the basic methodologies; a clear indication of the major findings of the study; and a concluding statement. Other requirements are:
  • Online submission of abstracts via the dedicated email address provided
  • Suitability of the abstract for oral or poster presentation
  • Receipt of abstracts by the stipulated deadline.
  • Registration of prospective authors who must be financially up to date with the Institute.
  • Awareness among co-authors of the contents of the abstract and agreement to its submission
  • Non presentation of abstract that have been previously submitted
  • Use of English language with accurate grammar and spelling suitable for publication.
  • Presentation of relevant information including: Author(s) details: full names, email address, affiliation, phone number, preferred presentation type: Oral or Poster Presentation
  • Presentation of abstract title in sentence case; nouns within the title may be capitalized, while titles are limited to 18 words.
  • Restriction of abstracts to ONLY 250 words.
  • Provision of maximum of 5 keywords
  • Use of Times New Roman, 10pts and single line spacing; bold title and italicized text.
  • Only abstracts that meet the stated requirements will be reviewed and accepted.


Key Dates for Submission of Abstracts:
Abstract Submission Opens - 21 February 2022
Abstract Submission Deadline - 20 March 2022
Abstract Notification - 20 March 2022

5.0 Full Paper Submission Guidelines
Format Specifications: Length, Margins and Font

The maximum length of paper shall be twelve (12) pages or 5000 words, including the paper itself and all related materials: the paper title, author information, abstract, body of paper including figures, tables, and equations, references and appendices (if any). Pages must be numbered at the bottom center of each page. Use Times New Roman font only with font size not smaller than 10. Use one-inch margins, right, left, top and bottom. Your text should be fully justified. Tables, graphs and figures should be centralized and labeled appropriately. MS Word is the preferred software for submission.

Title and Headings

  1. The paper title and the word “Abstract” should be centralized; main headings should be in title case, bold and aligned left.
  2. Subheadings should be typed with upper- and lower-case letters, bold and aligned left.
  3. Further subdivisions beyond main headings and subheadings are not desirable.

  1. Each paper must begin with an abstract. Abstracts shall not exceed 250 words in length.
  2. After the abstract paragraph, continue the paper with an introduction on the same page.
  3. Do not include a cover page with your paper. The abstract should begin on the same page as the body of your text and be fully justified.

  1. Tables should be embedded in the text and placed after discussion.
  2. Tables should be numbered using Roman numerals and be given appropriate titles.
  3. Table title and number should be typed above the table.
  4. Source should be provided below the table.



  1. Figures should be numbered (e.g. Figure 1) and titled. Figure title and number should be typed below the figure using sentence format (first word capitalized).
  2. Figures should be embedded in texts and placed after discussion.

  1. List references at the end of your paper in alphabetical sequence.
  2. References should be cited in the text.
  3. Cite references using APA format (6th Edition).

Key Dates:
Submission of Full Papers - 29 May 2022
Review of Full Papers - 19 June 2022
Submission of Final Papers - 31 July 2022
Review of Final Papers - 21 August 2022

For this aspect of the preparation towards the Conference, we have three weeks. It shall be concluded by 7th March 2021 after which we shall invite submission of abstracts on each topic.

6.0 Submission
Abstracts which should not be more than 250 words should be submitted in soft copy to:
  1. TPl. Prof Ayo Olajuyigbe, FNITP, Editor-in-Chief: aeolajuyigbe@futa.edu.ng
  2. NITP National Headquarters: info@nitpng.org
  3. Miss Peggy Ejiga, Desk Officer for Conference Planning: ejigapeggy@gmail.com
  4. Tpl. Eric Mbaukaan, MNITP, Executive Secretary, mbaukaanrc@gmail.com
  5. Tpl. Nathaniel M. Atebije, FNITP, Chairman Conference Planning Committee. natebije@yahoo.com

Kindly accept the assurances of the esteemed regards of the National President, Tpl. Olutoyin Ayinde, FNITP.

TPl. Nathaniel M. Atebije, FNITP
1NVP/Chairman Conference Planning Committee